Sunday 4 June 2023

New Trip



 After a pretty disappointing winter trip it's taken a long time for us to get our enthusiasm back. We have had a couple of short trips out and have decided to return to Norway where our previous visit several years ago was truncated due to problems with the van.

Our last sojourn ended in a slow puncture in a rear tyre, which ended in us having to replace all five tyres, not a cheap exercise! But we seem to be all sorted now and the truck is loaded, ferries etc. booked and toll/ferry cards obtained. 

As usual we'll call in at Mum's on our way south to the tunnel. I know this seems to be the long way round but there are no direct ferries to Scandinavia (that will accept motorhomes) and the nearest alternative is an overnight ferry to Rotterdam. We don't do long ferry rides and anyway the overall cost makes it not really worth it. So Folkestone it is!

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